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My name is Stanislav Kamensky.
After years of being involved in beautiful world of pipes as a smoker I realised that I can‘t resist the temptation of making pipes myself. After a period of hobby-pipemaking I decided to get in the matter more deeply. I started as a full-time pipe-carver in somewhat 2010. The 2011 brought me the 3rd place in Best Billiard Russia/Ukraine contest.
In 2014 I moved to Australia where I live presently.
I‘m grateful to Russian artisans Boris Starkov, Michael Revyagin, Sergey Ailarov, Armen Aivazyan for many priceless tips and guidance they have given me during my first years of pipe carving. Of course my work often influenced by their creations.
Being an admirer of M. Reviagin‘s work I have significant part of my pipes made using his well-known reversed calabash design. I found it very inspiring task to introduce this design in classical pipe shapes. These attempts have given me some interesting chubby bent shapes. Standalone are the variations of my Bombus shape - short and compact nose-warmers such as Nau and Stocky. Of course these shapes obviously take their roots from the famous Bee shape (by M. Revyagin).
Alongside with reversed calabashes I make a variety of more common classical and freehand shapes in different price niches. Making a pipe I pay a lot of attention to the proper engineering: the precise drilling, stem with the polished smoke-channel, mouthpiece with deep V slot, etc… All these things (with good briar of course) make a pipe tasty and easy to smoke and handle.

Pipe in offerta


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Consigli su come fumare la pipa



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