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Why should I smoke a pipe instead of cigarettes or cigars?

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Why should I smoke a pipe instead of cigarettes or cigars?

Pipe smoking offers numerous advantages. Let me give you some of them:
Health: The rule is never inhale the smoke. There are no studies that have even vaguely proved that pipe smoking (when done with moderation and without inhaling) is dangerous for your health (let alone the health of the people around you). Actually, there are studies that show that the average life span of a pipe smoker is greater than that of non-smokers! To take it a step further, insurance companies in some European countries insure pipe smokers and consider them non-smokers.
Not all smoke in the air: Unlike other forms of smoking, at the end of a smoke, you‘re not empty-handed. Your pipe is there with you, ready to give endless hours of pure pleasure.
Wide choice: You have access to an incredible array of pipes, tobaccos and other smoke-related items. If you take tobacco alone, you can try a new today every single day of your life (if your pocket allows it, of course). A new tobacco is always a new adventure and experience.
Cost: I can argue that pipe smoking is the most economical way to enjoy the weed. With a few pipes you can remain a pipe smoker for life. With 50g of tobacco, you can smoke for an average of 20 hours. Normally, the price of an average packet of cigarettes will buy you enough tobacco for 5-7 days.
Social acceptance: Pipe tobacco smoke in general seems to be more readily tolerated and accepted (if not even praised) by non-smokers. Added to this is the image of pipe smokers: Calm, contemplative, reserved, and thoughtful people. Apart from laws and restrictions in public places, if non-smokers had to have smoke around them, in most cases, they would opt for pipe tobacco smoke.
Pipe smoking in and by itself: It‘s well known among pipe smokers, as well as their wives/husbands and friends, that pipe smoking helps the smoker to relax and even think more clearly. Imagine the "calm" smoke rings rise from your pipe while you‘re sipping on a glass of your favorite drink, reading a book or talking to your companions and maybe even listening to music! No wonder pipe smoker live longer!

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