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Seasonal Pipe Tobacco

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Seasonal Pipe Tobacco

Do certain pipe tobaccos lend themselves to different seasons or times of the year? I think so. Now that the cooler weather has finally arrived I find myself smoking more blends with latakia such as English or Balkan style blends. For me, these blends seem some what richer and more complex especially when smoked outside in the cool air of autumn. I can taste flavors that are almost undetectable while smoking during the warmer months. The smoke is heavier and less wispy in the thin air and lingers longer. That rich, thick smoke brings about a certain feeling of satisfaction and has a calming effect. Perfect for watching the leaves change colors and seeing mother nature and father time work their collective wonders. The warm pipe bowl is a comfort in my hand and gives me a sense of well being knowing that all is right in the world in that small place and time.

During the Holidays I find myself guided towards tasty aromatic blends. They remind me of the past, my Grandfather, traditions and the sweet peacefulness that comes during these special times of the year. They also help our friends and loved ones remember us just as we remember the enticing tobacco smells of those that came before us. There is simply nothing quite like the cozy feeling of a room filled with wonderful pipe smoke, a home cooked feast and those we care about ...

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