
How to sort out huge quantity of various names of pipe tobaccos? part-IV

How to sort out huge quantity of various names of pipe tobaccos? part-IV

American tobaccos

Mixtures based on Virginia tobaccos and Burley tobaccos with Parick or Latakia additive. Generally, these are tobaccos like Mixture or granulated (cross-cut). Mostly blends are quite light, sweetish, often aromatized.

French taste

Generally, these are quite strong tobaccos like Mixture which‘s taste reminds cigar‘s taste. Usually, with big part of oriental tobaccos that add acuity to taste.

Danish tobaccos

Mostly these are aromatized tobaccos with spicy sweet taste. Types of tobaccos most often - Flakes, Spun cut, Cavendish. The most famous brands of Danish tobaccos - Orlik, Mac Baren, Petersen. Many, also popular brands, as, for example, W.O. Lasren, often belong to one of these companies.

Holland tobaccos

As a rule, these are tobaccos like Cavendish and Mixture, basing on sorts Virginia and Burley, quite light and often aromatized. Also these are relatively strong tobaccos basing on strong Virginia sorts and dark, fermented tobaccos.

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