Клуб, Табак: Golden Sliced (Red Tin)

Табак, George's Pipe Smoking Pages, Pipe Club Corner
Author: James Hayden
Date: 15/04/2021
Rating: Highly Recommended
Strength: Mild to Medium
Flavoring: Mild
Taste: Mild to Medium
Room Note: Very Pleasant

Review: So my version came in a 50g pouch they don‘t sell this in UK anymore (stupid laws here). My friend gave me from Germany. On opening I expected the flake slices like in the tin but these where huge slices, size of the pouch was surprising they got them in. Broke off the rough size of a tin flake one and half for this pipe. I‘m not sure if this is regarded as a vapar. Again lovely sweet tangy citrus smell when opening. On smoking this I did notice its big smoke and stays lit beautifully. I can see why alot of people recommend this. Flavour is sweet and citrus with tiny bit of spice, smells lovely. it‘s very moreish I think that why my burned alittle hot. Highly recommend this if you can buy it to have in rotation to your true ‘vapars‘.

Author: Korso
Date: 28/03/2017
Rating: Recommended
Strength: Strong
Flavoring: Medium
Taste: Extra Full
Room Note: Tolerable

Review: La miscela più fumata in Danimarca si presente nascosta dal solito dischetto in cartone più simpatico del solito: l‘immagine di un giudice con parrucca e pipa e la scritta "la miscela più fumata dai giudici assennati". Tolto il dischetto ci troviamo di fr

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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le pipe.it: опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.

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