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Area Club

Pfeifenclub Heiterkeit Basel

Pfeifenclub Heiterkeit Basel

"Pfeifenclub Heiterkeit Basel
The Pipe Club was established under the name "Whistle Club Horburg" 1918 for the purpose of the common enjoyment of pipe smoking was founded. Smoking was never alone in the center of the club activities. The social interaction has always been equally important and has been appropriately maintained. The founding of the club does not fall randomly in the bleak period after the First World War. The club helped with the difficult and disorientation was time to overcome and gave the members and their families hold.

The pipe smoking has been and still is intensively cultivated. In the first years we met usually twice per year to an actual Wettrauchen with timing, presentation ceremony and a donation. Once a month we meet at the club... link"

Prossimo articolo: Arrowhead Pipe Club