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Guide to Pipe Shapes and Styles: Freehand Models

Guide to Pipe Shapes and Styles: Freehand Models

"by Jacques Cole
Freehand Models

Freehand pipes do not require machines to shape the models (apart from a basic turning lathe to hold the briar piece). The operator uses hand-held tools, special shaping wheels, or paper-sanding belts. Freehand pipes have been made by pipe makers such as Dunhill and Charatan for quite a long time, but in the 1950s, new Danish makers adopted this method, particularly seeking to use the natural flow of the briar grain. The Danish "revolution" transformed the whole concept of pipe making in the quality sector, and greatly influenced modern pipe making, so that now most collections include a number of models referred to as "Danish shapes." This encouraged new pipe makers in England, Italy, Germany, the United States, and in a number of other countries. The result of freehand making are highly individualized pipes."

Prossimo articolo: Guide to Pipe Shapes and Styles: Bits (mouthpieces)