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When a passion catches you when you are young, you will be fascinated by it for your whole life. It all began in 1972, during my military service, when I bought a briar root and I carved a pipe just for fun. This is how a long life passion was born. In the following years, I became more and more expert on briar wood, delving into the ancient culture of pipes. In 1984, I started to sign my pipes with the brand "La Pipa di Viprati" and soon after I met Alberto Paronelli, a well-known producer and founder of an important museum dedicated to the pipe. It was then that I clearly realized my purpose: creating high quality pipes. Now, after having created so many pipes which have made a lot of pipe smokers happy, the idea of this website has come into my mind, in order to show what my hands and my mind have been able to create in these forty years. Years dedicated to a unique and special object, a great companion of our life.
Luigi Viprati

Pipe in offerta

The discounted pipes

In the section ‘pipes on offer‘ you can use of our search engine that will help you to find the pipe you wish only between the ones on offer.

Programma sconto

Discount rules

we have always received a great consensus from our customer thanks to the special discounts which reward pur best users.

Come eseguire un ordine

How to place an order

Any doubts on how to submit your first order? In this page you will find simple info which will guide you, step by step, to choose the pipe till the order is settled.



5 simple reasons to trust on le pipe: experience, fast delivery, right of withdrawal, secure payment and privacy. Everything you need.

Consigli su come fumare la pipa

Tips on how to smoke a pipe

We know that smoking the pipe is not a simple matter. Our guide lines would inform you on its basic elements, in order to make you start a new experience and avoid main mistakes.

Parlano di noi

They talk about us

We assume that consideration of one of the most important Italian newspaper in not the unique reason of proud for us. Our customers comments are what mostly satisfy us.

We offer only the best to our Customers!